
The Discovery screen provides a catalog with support for multiple gateways that allows you to centralize your APIs, making your ecosystem more organized and increasing control over it.

discovery screen
The Discovery screen


At the top of the Discovery screen you find a small dashboard displaying general metrics of your catalog:

discovery totalizers

The totalizers display the metrics according to the filters applied on the screen. They are as follows:

  • Number of APIs: displays the total number of APIs in the catalog. By clicking on the card, you can see the total number of APIs per vendor.

  • Uncategorized APIs: total number of APIs that have no linked tag.

  • APIs recently imported: total number of APIs imported into the catalog within a given period of time (in the last 7 days, by default). You can change the time period considered:

    1. Click on the icon settings button on the card;

    2. In the modal window that opens, select the desired period from the following:

      • Yesterday: previous day;

      • Last 7 days: last 7 days;

      • Last 15 days: last 15 days;

      • Last 31 days: last 31 days.

    3. Click on the OK button.

  • APIs recently updated: the total number of APIs in the catalog updated within a given period of time (in the last 7 days, by default). You can change the time period considered:

    1. Click on the icon settings button on the card;

    2. In the modal window that opens, select the desired period from the following:

      • Yesterday: previous day;

      • Last 7 days: last 7 days;

      • Last 15 days: last 15 days;

      • Last 31 days: last 31 days.

    3. Click on the OK button.

APIs listing

The imported APIs are listed in a table, in which each row corresponds to one item.

For each item the following information is displayed (columns):

  • TYPE: the item’s type, represented by an icon;

  • NAME: the item’s name;

  • VENDOR: organization that manages it;

  • CURRENT VERSION: its latest version;

  • MATURITY: API’s maturity score according to the classification below:

    • Basic: 0 a 29%

    • Intermediate: 30 a 79%

    • Advanced: 80 a 94%

    • Excellent: 95 a 100%

In case the maturity report contains risk data, you will see an alert icon next to the score. When you hover over the icon, a message about the risk will be displayed.
  • TAGS: linked tags.

You can sort the list (in ascending or descending order) by API name by clicking on the header text of the NAME column.

The ACTIONS column contains the following buttons:

icon visualize: allows you to view details about the corresponding item, such as general data, endpoints and linked environments;

icon tags: allows you to link tags to the corresponding item, as well as to manage those already linked.

Filtering the list

To filter the list, see the options above the catalog item listing table.

To expand the filtering fields, click the icon expand icon. You will find these filtering fields:

  • Name: allows you to filter by the name of the item.

  • Tag Mode: select the criteria to be used when filtering by tags:

    • Any of selected: displays the APIs that have linked at least one of the tags selected in the Tags field (default);

    • All of selected: displays the APIs that have all of the tags selected in the Tags field linked to them;

    • None of selected: displays APIs that do not have any of the tags selected in the Tags field;

    • No tag applied: displays APIs that have no tags linked to them.

  • Tags: allows you to filter the APIs by the tags linked to them, according to the criteria selected in the Tag Mode field.

  • Vendor: filters by the organization that manages the API.

  • Imported At: filters by the day of the API import.

  • Updated At: filters by the day of the API update.

  • Version: filters by the latest version.

  • Description: filters by the API’s description.

After entering the values for the desired fields, click on SEARCH to perform the filtering, or on CLEAR to clear the filled fields.

Categorization by tags

Categorization by tags allows you to classify and group the APIs in the catalog using customizable labels, making it easier and faster to manage your APIs. This feature allows you to search for APIs of the same category using their tags.

Linking a tag to an API

To link a tag to an API in the catalog, follow these steps:

  1. In the list of APIs of the Discovery screen, click on the icon tags button corresponding to the API you want to link the tag to.

  2. If the selected API does not have a tag linked to it yet, a modal window containing a message will open. In this window, click on ADD.

  3. In the Tag Name field, enter the name of the tag you want to link (new or previously registered). The name of a tag must contain a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 30 characters. Only lowercase alphanumeric characters and "-" are allowed (however, the name cannot begin or end with "-").

  4. Click on + (or press ENTER) to link the tag.

  5. If you want to add another tag, repeat the last two steps. Each API can contain up to 50 linked tags and the name of each tag must be unique.

  6. Click on OK to close the modal window.

If the API already has one or more tags linked to it, you can also add new tags to it via the details screen:

  1. In the list of APIs of the Discovery screen, click on the icon visualize button corresponding to the API to which you want to link the tag.

  2. Click on the icon pencil button located in the Tags field of the GENERAL DATA panel.

  3. Follow steps 3 to 6 described above.

Removing tags from an API

To unlink one or more tags from an API in the catalog, follow these steps:

  1. In the list of APIs of the Discovery screen, click on the icon tags button corresponding to the API from which you want to unlink the tag(s).

  2. In the modal window that opens, locate the tag you want to unlink from the API.

  3. Click on the X button of that tag to remove it.

  4. If you want to remove another tag from this API, repeat the last two steps.

  5. Click on OK to close the modal window.

You can also unlink tags from the details screen of the desired API:

  1. On the details screen of the desired API, click on the icon pencil button located in the Tags field of the GENERAL DATA panel.

  2. Follow steps 2 to 5 described above.

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