API Developer Portal

A Developer Portal is essencial to enabling a mature API strategy. A good Portal attracts developers, leverages the development of solutions consuming your APIs, and promotes assertive integration between third-party apps and your business rules.

The Developer Portal that Sensedia provides to our customers has all the tools you need to attract and assist partner developers in coming up with the best apps for your APIs — starting with the core of an API Portal, which is API documentation, centred on Swagger files. But Sensedia’s solution goes beyond that.

Built on top of Drupal, our Portals allow you to have a system of knowledge sharing, with blogs and discussion forums, file browsing and downloading mechanism, and multi-language support. You can also manage developers' access through user roles and assist app development through a system of support tickets. And, of course, our Portals are highly customisable.

Over the pages of this section, you can read about how to integrate your Portal to your API Manager and about how to manage and customise your Portal, so that it looks and feels the way you want it to.

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