

Access key ID

Key used by AWS to verify your identity in calls. Usually created together with secret access key. Access key ID is required to configure AWS S3 as data destination in Data streaming.

Access Token

Tokens that contain security credentials with information that identify the client, user (or group of users) and their privileges. The carrier of such tokens is authorized to access the data from that API.


Collection of documents for the calculation of metrics. Aggregation is the core concept to build visualizations for Sensedia Analytics' dashboards.


Unique identifier used for authentication processes. Identifies the organization. API Key is necessary to configure Datadog as the data storage destination in Data streaming.


Amazon Simple Storage Service: storage service offered by Amazon, which can be configured in Data streaming.

AWS Region

Specific physical geographic area where the data is stored. You need to inform the AWS Region to configure AWS S3 as destination in Data streaming.



Analytics feature with which you can customize the exibition of visualizations. It is a control panel that shows, graphically or in tables, the data chosen for monitoring.

Data streaming

1. Analytics feature in which you can configure data destination. 2. Records of data generated simultaneously and continuously from thousands of sources and processed for use in analysis.


Observability service that can be configured as a data storage destination in Data streaming.

Datadog site

Physical geographic area where the data is stored. It is necessary to inform the site to configure Datadog as a destination in Data streaming.

Delivery stream

Service for processing and delivering data in streaming. Can be configured in Data streaming.

DQL (Data query language)

SQL sub-language used for performing queries on the data within schema objects.


General trace

Analytics feature for tracking data. Configure, run and save your queries in General Trace.


HTTP Response

Codes that inform the status of a request, indicating whether it was completed or the reason for the error.


Index pattern

Definition that informs which data will be used in the search. That is, in which index selections the search will be performed.


Lucene (also: Apache Lucene)

Open source search engine library.



The ability to know the values of the system states by examining its outputs (traces, metrics, available time, etc.).


Secret access key

Security credential that protects your AWS account. Usually created together with Access key ID. Secret access key is required to configure AWS S3 as data destination in Data streaming.


Trace Log (also: Event Trace Log, Tracing, Trace Logging)

Registers with information about the condition of the system at the time an event occurs.



Analytics feature that supports the creationg of charts, tables, and other ways to represent the results collected from data tracing. See how to create a visualization in Visualize.

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