API Monitoring (ssd api-management list traces)

The ssd api-management list traces command allows you to check and monitor in real time the calls that are made by apps to APIs managed by the Manager on Sensedia API Platform.

You can use the ssd api-management list traces command or its shortened version ssd apim list traces.

For more specific information, refer to the documentation about General Trace on Sensedia API Platform.


The ssd api-management list traces command can be followed by flags with their respective arguments:

ssd api-management list traces [flags]

If no flag is specified, the interactive mode will be enabled.

# Monitors the most recent General Trace logs of an API
$ ssd (api-management | apim) list traces --api-name "My API" --api-version 1.0 --method GET --resource /resource

#  Monitors the most recent General Trace logs of an API in specific environments
$ ssd (api-management | apim) list traces --api-name "My API" --api-version 1.0 --method GET --resource /resource --environments "Testing, Production"

#  Monitors the most recent General Trace logs of an API according to HTTP Response
$ ssd (api-management | apim) list traces --api-name "My API" --api-version 1.0 --method GET --resource /resource --http-response "ERROR, CLIENT ERROR, SERVER ERROR"

# Monitors the most recent General Trace logs of an API by selecting a trace limit
$ ssd (api-management | apim) list traces --api-name "My API" --api-version 1.0 --method GET --resource /resource --limit 100

Available flags

The following flags can be used with the ssd api-management list traces command:




-n , --api-name


Name of the monitored API

-v , --api-version


Version of the monitored API



Revision of the monitored API

-m , --method


HTTP method. E.g.: "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "OPTIONS"

-r , --resource


Resource of the monitored API

-e , --environments


Environment name(s) separated by comma(s). E.g.: "Testing, Production". If this flag is not given, the environment will not be filtered

 — --http-response


HTTP Response type(s) separated by comma(s). E.g.: "SUCCESS", "ERROR", "CLIENT", "ERROR", "SERVER ERROR"



Number of traces to be displayed. It must be an integer greater than 0 and less than or equal to 500. If this flag is not specified, the default number displayed will be 50 traces

Global Flags




-c, --config


Configuration file (default: $HOME/.sensedia/config.json)



The configuration profile you want to use (default: "default")


Lists all requests made by the command. It is possible to store this information in a TXT file instead of displaying it on the terminal. E.g.: $ ssd (api-management | apim) list apis --verbose 2> log.txt

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