Events Hub authorization API

Information valid only for Sensedia API Management v5 clients.
If you are a client of previous versions of the platform, see how to obtain the authorization URL using the Sensedia API Platform.

To ensure security in receiving and distributing events, only authorized publishers can send events to the Events Hub.

To authorize publishers, you must add security interceptors to the policies and configure authorizations URLs in the Authorizations screen. When an interceptor is used, Events Hub sends requests to the registered authorization URLs to validate publishers and accept their requests.

If you are a client of Sensedia API Management v5, you must import the Events Hub authorization API to obtain the authorization URL.

Importing the API

To import the Events Hub authorization API, follow the steps below:

  1. Download the Events Hub Authorization API standard template.

  2. Unzip the folder.

  3. Import the evh-api.json file into the platform using the Import/Export resource.

If you already have an API with the same name, a dialog box will appear. Your API will be overwritten if you proceed.
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