I can’t delete a user from the Manager; what should I do?

There are two rules that manage the deletion of users:

  • the “Users” permission is required to delete (or block) users;

  • you can’t delete a user with the same role as you or higher.

By default, the roles with permission to edit users are: Admin and Super Admin. But, as the roles are customizable, it may be that your Manager’s permissions have been changed.

You can check your role and permissions. The role is shown together with the user’s name, in the upper right corner of the screen, as in this example:

user role

To see what your permissions are, go to Security  Roles and click on your user’s role. To delete users, you must have permission to view (“can view”) and edit (“can edit”) users. If you can’t find the page Security  Roles when you log in to the Manager, it’s because you don’t have the permission to view/edit roles (by default, only Admin and Super Admin users have this permission).

If you have permission to edit "Users" and you are still unable to delete a given user, that user must have the same role as you or higher. Since it’s not possible to delete users with the same role as you, if you want to delete an Admin user, you must be a Super Admin. And Super Admin users can’t be deleted by any other user, only by Sensedia. In that case, contact our Support team to request the deletion.

It’s worth remembering that you can, however, block a user (even if they have the same role as you). When you block a user, they are unable to log into the Manager, but remain in the list of users and can be unblocked by any user with the "Users" editing permission.

Finally, it’s worth keeping in mind the consequences of deleting a user. If the person responsible for an API or environment is removed from the Manager by another user, the user who performed the deletion will become the object’s owner. If you prefer, you can avoid this behaviour by blocking instead of deleting the user.

To block someone, you must also have permission to view/edit users. If you have this permission, go to Security  Users and click on icon block under the ACTIONS column.

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