Inbound Address for Open Insurance

When the Open Insurance add-on is enabled, the list of hosts on the Inbound Address screen will contain a column informing whether each inbound address is intended for use in an Open Banking context or not:

inbound address opb

Creating an inbound address for Open Insurance

Every inbound address used for Open Insurance must have the option Open Banking checked. In addition, there are some fixed options: the gateway can only be of the SaaS type and the only accepted protocol is HTTPS.

To set up an inbound address for Open Insurance, click the + button in the bottom right corner of the screen. These are the form fields:

  • Name: name identifying the address. It can be equal to the host address itself or something more descriptive.

  • Gateway Type: when Open Banking is checked, the field is already pre-selected with the value "SaaS" and can’t be changed.

  • Protocol Type: when Open Banking is checked, the field is already pre-selected with the value "HTTPS" and can’t be changed. It’s not possible to select the option Support to Protocol v0.9/1.0.

  • Host/Inbound Address: type here the address itself. It will be the host of environments where APIs are deployed.

  • Security: security type (TLS or mTLS).

  • TLS Version: when Open Banking is checked, the Min field comes pre-selected with the value "1.2" and can’t be changed. The field Max comes pre-selected with the value "1.3", but it is possible to choose between "1.2" or "1.3".

  • Certificate: field to select an inbound certificate registered on the Certificates screen.

inbound address create opb

Check the documentation on regular Inbound Addresses (that is, not specific to Open Insurance).
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