Connecting to Mulesoft

See on this page how to:

See the MuleSoft documentation for more details.

Obtaining access credentials

Client and Secret ID

  1. Access Anypoint Platform and click Access Management in the left sidebar menu.
    Mulesoft menu detail

  2. Create an App:

    • In the Owned Apps tab, click the Create App button.
      Mulesoft screen detail

    • Enter a name to identify the application.

    • In Types, select App acts on its own behalf (client credentials).
      Then, click Add Scopes.
      options in type

    • Select the scopes, specifying which actions the application will be allowed to perform.
      Make sure to select the scopes:

      • API Manager,

      • Exchange,

      • General, and

      • OpenID
        Then, click Next
        add scopes

    • Select the business groups that will be made available.

    • Select the environments that will be made available (this option is valid only for some scopes).

    • After configuring the App, click SAVE.

  3. The newly created App will be listed in Connected Apps.
    Click the Copy id and Copy secret buttons to copy the credentials.
    id and secret

Organization ID

  1. To obtain the Organization ID:

    • Access the Anypoint Platform portal.

    • In the left sidebar menu, click Business Groups.
      The Business Group ID is the "Organization ID".
      business id

Creating a new connection

Follow the steps below to create a new connection.

  1. Open the Connections screen by clicking on the left sidebar menu or on the card on the home screen.

  2. Click the + CREATE CONNECTION button at the top right of the screen.
    screenshot of the connections screen highlighting the create connection button

  3. In step 1 - PROVIDER, type or select MuleSoft.
    detail of the connection creation screen with step 1

  4. Click NEXT.

  5. In step 2 - CONNECTION, choose between a native connection (data updated directly with the provider) or a non-native connection (manual upload).

    • For a native connection, provide:

      • Connection Name: identifier name for the connection.

      • Organization ID: unique identifier code for Sensedia. See how to obtain it.

      • Client ID and Client secret. See how to obtain them.
        detail of the native connection creation screen step 2 Mulesoft

    • For a non-native connection, provide:

      • Connection Name: identifier name for the connection.
        detail of the non-native connection creation screen step 2 Mulesoft

  6. In the final step, review the information. If everything is correct, click SAVE.

Importing APIs manually

In native connections, APIs are imported automatically.

To import APIs manually, follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Connections screen by clicking on the left sidebar menu or on the card on the home screen.

  2. Find the connection you want to edit and click the icon view 2 icon.
    If needed, use the search bar to locate the desired connection.

  3. On the API Imports screen, click the + IMPORT API button, located just below General Info and above API Imports.
    API import screen

  4. Select an environment to view the APIs associated with it.

  5. Select the APIs you want to import. If needed, use the API name search.
    Then, click SAVE.

API import screen

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