Oracle 11g

Table of requirements and performance

Connector type Minimum requirements Required fields Performance

Oracle 11g - BETA version

Driver version:

Check the database versions supported by the driver in the official documentation

Example with AWS instance:

  • Type: t2.nano

  • OS: Amazon Linux AMI 2018.03 (Fedora)

  • Memory: 500 MB

  • CPU: 1 vCPU

  • Storage: 8 GiB

The minimum startup memory is 100 MB (which supports 25 requests/second).

  • Owner: <owner>¹

  • Connection string: check which properties can be used in the official documentation.

    • Examples:


¹The "owner" is the intended database schema. If not informed, sys will be used.

  • Jmeter: Thread 70, loop 100

  • Memory: 200 mb

  • Samples: 7000

  • Average latency (ms): 375

  • Throughput/second: 176.1

Performance data using the minimum requirements mentioned.

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