Deploying APIs to Environments

There are three ways you can deploy APIs to your Manager’s environments (described over the next sections of this page):

  • deployment from the API Catalog screen (Main menu  API Catalog);

  • mass deployment on Environments (Main menu > Virtual Hosts  Environments);

  • scheduled deployment on Environments (Main menu > Virtual Hosts  Environments).

The APIs deployed to an environment will be displayed in the environment information screen, in the section Deployments (which you access by clicking on the icon to edit an environment: icon edit). In addition to the API’s names, the list will include the revisions deployed, as in the example below:

For more information on how to undeploy a revision, click here.

Deployment of a single API on the API Catalog screen

When registering a new API, the environments you set up on your Manager will be displayed in the section Deployable Environments, in the first stage of API creation (where you enter the API’s basic information):

deploy single api create

After selecting the environments you want, they will be listed for deployment in the Environments section of the API Catalog  Overview screen (accessed by clicking the API’s card):

deploy single api overview

At this time, the API is not yet deployed (that is, it’s not possible to send requests to it). To deploy it, enable the button in the column STATUS. The button will be coloured and the text shown next to it will be "Deployed" (see the image below). Next to the environment’s name, you can copy the URL to which requests to the API should be sent.

deploy single api enable

If you did not include environments for deployment when you created your API, you can add them to the Environments section of the same API Catalog  Overview screen (accessed by clicking on an API’s card):

deploy single api edit

To include environments, click the ADD button. A modal window will appear, containing the environments for you to select:

deploy single api modal

After selecting the environments you want and clicking on ADD, they will be listed in the Environments section and you’ll be able to enable the deployment, as described above.

You can always add new environments by clicking the ADD button again.

API Deployment on the Environments screen

You can also deploy APIs on the Environments screen. Although you can also deploy only one API at a time on this screen, the advantage of deploying here is that you can:

  • deploy multiple APIs at the same time — including to more than one environment at once, if you want to;

  • schedule the deployment of one or more APIs to one or more environments.

To make deployments, select at least one environment from the list (main menu  Environments). In the example below, we are selecting two environments, "Sandbox" and "Staging":

deploy env options

When you select at least one environment, two new icons appear on the screen:

  • icon deploy to deploy APIs to the selected environment(s).

  • icon schedule to schedule the deployment of APIs to the selected environment(s).

If your user doesn’t have permission to deploy APIs to an environment in the list, you won’t be able to select it — instead of the checkbox, there’ll be a forbidden deployment icon, as in this image:
deploy denied env
You can see more about the deployment permission here.

This method is not influenced by the Adaptive Governance deployment restrictions.

Mass deployment

After selecting the environment or environments in which you want to deploy APIs, click on icon deploy. This will open a modal window for you to add the APIs you want to deploy:

deploy env mass

For each API, you need to choose the revision that will be deployed and click on the ADD button to add it to the list of APIs selected. If you want to remove an API you have selected, click on the icon delete icon.

You can only add one revision per API.

After selecting all the APIs you want to deploy, click on SAVE. The environments you selected will be listed in the Environments section of the API Catalog  Overview screen (accessed by clicking an API’s card), with the deployment enabled (that is, the API is effectively deployed):

deploy mass api

Scheduled deployment on the Environments screen

After selecting the environment or environments to which you want to schedule the deployment of APIs, click on icon schedule. This will open a modal window for you to add the APIs you want to deploy and set the deployment date:

deploy env schedule

To schedule a deployment, you need to define a name for it and set the deployment date and time, including the time zone.

You add APIs as in the mass deployment described above.

You can see the deployments scheduled for an environment on the environment’s information screen (which you access by clicking on the icon to edit an environment: icon edit). The info will be under the Scheduled Deployments section, as in the example below:

scheduled deployments

To see the APIs that will be deployed, click on icon view. To cancel the deployment, click on icon delete.

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