Service Mashup

Service Mashup is aService Callouts aggregator.

The image below shows the settings for the interceptor:

service mashup
  • Service callouts to wait: it lists all available asynchronous Service Callout instances that are not Fire and Forget and that are not contained in another Service Mashup.

  • Timeout(ms): it determines the timeout in milliseconds. If no value is inserted, the longest timeout configured among the selected Service Callouts will be applied.

  • Abort if any request fails: if selected, the request will be aborted if any of the Service Callouts fails. A failure occurs when the status code of the response is different from the expected.

Things to pay attention to

  • The responses of each Service Callout are stored in the map $call.contextVariables. The key is the Variable name of the Service Callout and the value is the response, a REST Response object with all the information regarding the request made.

  • In addition to the Service Mashup, it’s possible to capture the responses of each Service Callout with a custom JavaScript or Java interceptor.

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