API Platform

Date: January/2022

New functionality

  • Customers with hybrid environments can now configure a proxy in the gateway.


Access Tokens

  • The search on Access Tokens now has a filter to search by app. The field accepts multiple apps at the same time.

  • We have included the refreshStatus filter among the query parameters in the GET/access-tokens operation of API Manager 3.0.0.

User and team controls

  • Previously, only teams with linked users were displayed in the team list. We have changed this so that all teams are displayed, regardless of whether they have users or not. Also, we have added pagination to the team query.

Adaptive Governance

  • Previously, when cloning a Team Workflow, the name and team fields of the new workflow were already filled out according to the one to be cloned. Also, the default name for the new workflow is different from the original name, and the team field is presented blank for the user to make a selection.

Fixed bugs


  • Fixed the improper 500 error return when using a value with incorrect Base64 formatting in the Client Id Secret Encoded Validation interceptor.

  • When only inserted into the request flow of a call, the GZIP Unpack interceptor was causing a timeout error (408). It has now been set to respond successfully (200) if the call is performed correctly.

  • We have returned the value of the EnvironmentName filter, which had been improperly removed from Kibana.

  • We have adjusted the queries for apps and access tokens using the extrafields parameter, which were not working.

Authorization and authentication flows

  • The OpenID flow was not working properly and has been fixed.

  • We have included a validation in the Token Length field of the default value setting for tokens of Random type on the Auth Config screen. Values equal to or less than O are not accepted anymore.

User and permission controls

  • Blocked users by an administrator were able to reset passwords after they had expired.

  • When a user has permission to view apps and/or tokens but does not have permission to view secrets (client ID/client secret), they can only open the details of the apps/tokens themselves - which is the expected behavior. However, the Manager was letting the user click on other users' apps/tokens and was not displaying an error that explained the expected behavior. To fix this and highlight the behavior, other users' apps and tokens are not clickable without the view secrets permission


  • In requests with an Oracle or MySQL connector, the header host was overwriting the destination value by the gateway URI.

  • The link to the release notes in the About modal was outdated and now correctly forwards to Sensedia Docs.

  • We have fixed the text grammar in the Connectors screen.

Adaptive Governance

  • We have fixed a bug in the workflow stage configuration screen that prevented all configured stages from being displayed when the number of stages exceeded the width of the screen. A vertical scrollbar has been added to allow viewing of all stages created.

  • The APIs search in the Impact Analysis screen returned a maximum of ten items and sometimes did not find exactly the searched name.

  • Currently, in the Impact Analysis screen, you can also search for an API by entering its version, which allows you to distinguish APIs with the same name.

Services changed

Application Module Version

API Platform

API Manager Front

API Platform

API Governance

API Platform

API Token Manager

API Platform

API Manager

API Platform

API Gateway

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