API Platform

Date: May/2022

Fixed bugs

  • Now, if the OPTIONS method is not implemented, the interceptors inherited from the all/all flow (related to all resources and operations of an API) are ignored when processing preflight requests.

  • Now, when selecting the OPTIONS method to edit an operation for a resource, the Manager interface displays a message that directs you to this documentation.

  • We have removed improper information in gateway responses when an operation with an unconfigured method is called.

  • We have removed improper information from responses of the OAuth API when the method of the requests is not accepted or the resource is non-existent.

  • Security update to the API Gateway because of a vulnerability found in routine testing.

  • We have fixed the issue that caused the error 400 when trying to delete a Workflow.

Services changed

Application Module Version

API Platform

API Manager Front

API Platform

API Governance

API Platform

API Manager

API Platform

API Gateway

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