API Platform

Date: June/2022



  • The performance of DevPortal searches was improved with the addition of a configuration to return APIs by filter and by ID.

API Metrics

Query /kpis/calls

  • Now, even when the resolution parameter is informed (to group data by hours, days, weeks, months or years), the beginDate and endDate parameters will also be considered (to set the date range).

  • The description in Swagger about beginDate, endDate and resolution parameters was updated accordingly.

Validation /trace/search

  • Description in Swagger about maximum search period was updated accordingly.

Fixed bugs

  • Now, if the OPTIONS method is not implemented, the interceptors inherited from the all/all flow (related to all resources and operations of an API) are ignored when processing preflight requests.

  • Now, when selecting the OPTIONS method to edit an operation for a resource, the Manager interface displays a message that directs you to this documentation.

  • We have removed improper information in gateway responses when an operation with an unconfigured method is called.

  • We have removed improper information from responses of the OAuth API when the method of the requests is not accepted or the resource is non-existent.

  • On the account of a vulnerability found in routine tests, a security update was made to the API Gateway.

  • We have fixed a problem that prevented Connector details from loading correctly.

  • We are back to returning an “Access-Control-Allow-Origin” response header if the “Origin” header is received in the request.

  • We fixed a bug that caused Access Tokens to appear in queries incorrectly, depending on the filter configuration.

  • We fixed a bug that could cause data change when editing an Access Token.

  • The platform accepts the use of '-' (hyphen) again in the Inbound URL registration for Environments.

Services changed

Application Module Version

API Platform

API Manager

API Platform

API Manager Front

API Platform

API Gateway

API Platform

Authorization API

API Platform

Horus API

API Platform

API Metrics

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