API Platform

New functionality: Integration with Identity Providers via SAML 2.0

  • It is now possible to create an integration via SAML V2.0 with an external identity provider to login to the API Manager. The integration is configured in a new screen: Integrations (which is in a new option of the main API Manager menu: IAM- Users).

Reorganization of the main menu: IAM - Users option

  • With the option to login via SAML 2.0, we have reorganized the main menu of the API Manager. Now, the screens for user configuration (including permissions and teams) are within the IAM - Users option. In addition to the new Integrations screen, the IAM- Users menu includes the following screens that used to be under Security:

  • The Security menu now includes only the Audit and Certificates screens.


IP Filtering interceptor now supports IP ranges configuration (CIDR).

Bug Fixes

  • We fixed an issue in app editing: when a token’s time to live was changed to a numberLong data type, it was not possible to edit the app linked to the token.

  • To resolve an error of possible loss of routes when exceeding the value of 10,000 routes in the gateway, we set a limit value of routes per environment variable.

  • [Connectors - Oracle Connector] We fixed a conversion error when a column in an Oracle database has the TIMESTAMP data type.

  • [Adaptive Governance] The APIs screen was showing an error when the user tried to add to an API an attribute (already successfully created on Governance  Attributes).

Services changed

Application Module Version

API Platform

API Manager Front

API Platform

Platform Proxy

API Platform

API Token Manager

API Platform

Connector db Oracle 12c

API Platform

API Manager

API Platform

API Gateway

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