OAuth Directory

OAuth Directory is a protocol of several open standard authorisation flows that allows a third-party to access a user’s data without knowing their password. To do so, the user shares their password with an app and OAuth Directory works as a facilitator that apps use through a client ID or Secret (OAuth authentication keys) to obtain access to a user’s account.

You can find OAuth Directory under the Settings option of API Suite’s main menu. The main screen lists all registered OAuth Directories and allows including new ones, as well as editing or deleting them:

legacy oauth direct

Creating an OAuth Directory

To create a new OAuth Directory, click the Create OAuth button represented by the icon + on the bottom right corner of the screen. A modal window will open up, containing two tabs for the creation of to types of OAuth Directories: "REST" and "LDAP".


This type requires two pieces of information:

  • Name;

  • URL Service.


This type requires these data:

  • Name.

  • LDAP URL: fill in with something like ldap://ldap.sensedia.com:389.

  • Bind DN: fill in with information that contain special characters, particularly =. Ex: DC=da,DC=sa.

  • Extract Fields: non-required extra fields.

  • Authentication Type: this property is a string specifying the authentication mechanism(s) for the LDAP Server. Three types are available:

    • None: no authentication used (anonymous call). It requires only user validation.

    • Simple: simple authentication (clear-text password). It requires user and password validation.

    • Saslmech: SASL mechanism conforming to RFC 2829 requirements.

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