
This page refers to the authentication process for your Developer Portal.
For Portal Manager authentication, please refer to the Access Control user guide.
Check the difference between Developer Portal and Portal Manager.

The authentication screen has three tabs:

Accessing your account

If you are not logged in, when you click to access the Developer Portal content, you will see the authentication screen (LOGIN tab).

Enter your email address, password, confirm the reCaptcha and click LOGIN.

Creating an account

To create an account to access the content of your Developer Portal — which includes the published documentation, guides and Apps — simply:

  1. enter your email address,

  2. Confirm the reCaptcha and


The account creation then goes through the approval process.

Approval process for the account created

By default, the automatic approval option is disabled.

To enable it, go to Settings > Developers and click the Auto approval toggle.

While Auto approval is enabled, the process of registering an account will take place as follows:

  1. The person who will be consuming Developer Portal content must follow steps 1 to 3 to create an account.

  2. An email will be sent to this person. They have up to 72 hours to click CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT and enter their details.

  3. Since the Auto approval option is enabled, the account will be created and the person will be able to access your Developer Portal with the user and password created.

While Auto approval is disabled, the approval process will take place as follows:

  1. The person who will be consuming your Developer Portal content must follow steps 1 to 3 to create an account.

  2. An email will be sent to this person. They have up to 72 hours to click the CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT.

  3. By clicking CONFIRM YOUR ACCOUNT, the person will be directed to a page to enter the details of the account they are registering.

  4. Because Auto approval is disabled, the account/user created will remain with status Pending in Consumers > Invitations.

  5. When the user/developer completes registration, the status will change to Waiting. The Portal Manager administrator must decide whether to approve the account creation (or password reset).
    To approve, go to Consumers > Invitations, click the icon showing a clock icon and select an option (DENY or ACCEPT).

Password reset

Follow the steps below to recover your password:

  1. On the LOGIN screen, click on "Forgot your password?".

  2. Enter the same email address you used to register your Developer Portal account.

  3. Confirm the reCAPTCHA.


Note that the password recovery process follows the same steps as the approval for the account created and changes depending on your auto-approval setting.
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