
What is a webhook?

A webhook is a set of REST endpoints that you, as a Sensedia client, must provide. When a developer requests credentials, the Developer Portal will call this set of REST endpoints. Thus, the developer will be able to access your protected APIs on the Developer Portal.

Below is a summary of the communication flow between Developer Portal and webhook during the credential request:

  1. Developer signs up on Developer Portal.

  2. Developer goes to the Apps menu and creates a new AWS app (Sensedia API Manager apps do not use webhooks).

  3. Developer Portal System makes an HTTP request to the webhook, passing information from the developer’s AWS app.

  4. Webhook, in your infrastructure, receives the request, creates the credentials, and returns them in the same HTTP request.

  5. Developer Portal System receives the return, records the credentials in the database, and provides access to the developer.


It is your responsibility to implement the webhook in your infrastructure, but you can consult an implementation example.
The only requirement is to follow the contracts of the REST endpoints to carry out the integration between Developer Portal and webhook.

Open API Specification

To create the webhook, you must implement this Open API Contract.

The specification was changed. The optional field customCredentials was added, and it can be used with API KEY and CLIENT CREDENTIALS.


Below are the endpoints you must implement and the details of request and response for each of them.

Action Endpoint

Create credentials

POST /v1/createCredentials

Update credentials

POST /v1/updateCredentials

Revoke credentials

POST /v1/revokeCredentials

Check availability

GET /v1/health


All endpoints will use basic authentication.
You will receive the header Authorization: Basic <username:password base64> and should validate it as you see fit.

Create credentials

POST /v1/createCredentials

Endpoint responsible for creating and returning the app credentials.


  • Header:

    Authorization: Basic <username:password base64>
  • Body:

     "appName": "string",
     "developer": "string",
     "apis": [
         "id": "string",
         "usagePlans": [
             "id": "string"


  • Status code: 200 OK

  • Body:

     "credentialType": "CLIENT_CREDENTIALS | API_KEY",
     "clientId": string,
     "clientSecret": string,
     "apiKeyId": string,
     "apiKey": string

The response can return either an API Key or Client Credentials.

For credentialType=API_KEY, the fields apiKeyId and apiKey should be returned.

For credentialType=CLIENT_CREDENTIALS, the fields clientId and clientSecret should be returned.

The specification of CreateCredentialsResponse was modified. The optional field customCredentials was added to return additional information, such as API KEY and CLIENT CREDENTIALS.

Update credentials

POST /v1/updateCredentials


  • Header:

    Authorization: Basic <username:password base64>
  • Body:

     "updatedAt": "2024-03-01T18:58:47.878561013Z[GMT]",
     "appName": "string",
     "developer": "string",
     "credentialType": "CLIENT_CREDENTIALS | API_KEY",
     "clientId": "string",
     "apiKeyId": "string",
     "apis": [
         "id": "58baecsdd4",
         "action": "NONE | ADDED | REMOVED",
         "usagePlans": [
             "id": "3llq7e",
             "action": "NONE | ADDED | REMOVED"


  • HTTP status: 204 No Content

  • Body: empty

The specification of UpdateCredentialsRequest was modified. The optional field customCredentials was added to return additional information, such as API KEY and CLIENT CREDENTIALS.

Revoke credentials

POST /v1/revokeCredentials

Endpoint responsible for revoking (effectively disabling or deleting) app credentials.


  • Header:

    Authorization: Basic <username:password base64>
  • Body:

     "appName": "string",
     "developer": "string",
     "credentialType": "CLIENT_CREDENTIALS | API_KEY",
     "clientId": string,
     "clientSecret": string,
     "apiKeyId": string,
     "apiKey": string


  • Status code: 204 No Content

  • Body: empty

The specification of RevokeCredentialsRequest was modified. The optional field customCredentials was added to return additional information, such as API KEY and CLIENT CREDENTIALS.

Check availability

GET /v1/health

Application management endpoint.
It must return 204 No Content if the request is successful.
It may return other status codes like 401, 500 etc.


  • Header:

    Authorization: Basic <username:password base64>
  • Body: empty


  • Status code: 204 No Content

  • Body: empty

Error Cases

If the webhook returns any error (status code 4xx or 5xx), the expected message format is:

   "timestamp": date-time,
   "status": integer,
   "error": string,
   "messages": [
   "path": string

Webhook implementation example

AWS Lambda

Below is an example of an AWS Lambda, in python, implementing all the endpoints.

The code below is just a reference.
You should modify it according to your security needs or business rules.
The only requirement is to follow the contract defined in the Open API specification.

To download the example, click here.

Creating Credentials

There are two methods for creating credentials:

API Keys

API Keys are generated with the name of the app from the Developer Portal and the email of the developer who created the app.

See the example below:

 def create_api_key(request_body):
    """Creates a new API Key and associates it with the requested Usage Plans. Return the API Key ID and value."""
    client = boto3.client("apigateway")

    app_slug = request_body.get("appSlug")
    developer = request_body.get("developer")
    apis = request_body.get("apis", [])

        api_key_response = client.create_api_key(
            name=create_credential_name(app_slug, developer),
            # tags={'string':'string'} can be used to distinct API Key created by the webhook

        api_key_id = api_key_response["id"]
        api_key_value = api_key_response["value"]

        # Iterate over APIs in the request body
        for api_data in apis:
            # api_id = api_data.get('id') can be used to verify if API is still related to the Usage Plan
            usage_plans = api_data.get("usagePlans", [])

            # Iterate over usage plans for each API
            for usage_plan in usage_plans:
                usage_plan_id = usage_plan.get("id")

                # Associate API Key with Usage Plan
                    usagePlanId=usage_plan_id, keyId=api_key_id, keyType="API_KEY"

        return {
            "statusCode": 200,
            "body": json.dumps(
                    "credentialType": "API_KEY",
                    "apiKeyId": api_key_id,
                    "apiKey": api_key_value,
                    "customCredentials": {
                        "qaautomation-token-1": "qaautomationtoken1",
                        "qaautomation-token-2": "qaautomationtoken2",
                        "qaautomation-token-3": "qaautomationtoken3",
                        "qaautomation-token-4": "qaautomationtoken4",
                        "qaautomation-token-5": "qaautomationtoken5"

    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("create_api_key error: %s", str(e))
        return handle_error(str(e))

This method should generate a new key in the AWS console:

aws new key console

And associate it with the Usage Plans:

usage plan

Client Credentials

Client Credentials are configured by the App Clients of a Cognito User Pool.

See the example below:

  def create_cognito_app_client(request_body):
    """Creates a Cognito app client and returns the client id and client secret."""
    cognito_client = boto3.client("cognito-idp")
    app_slug = request_body.get("appSlug")
    developer = request_body.get("developer")

        response = cognito_client.create_user_pool_client(
            ClientName=create_credential_name(app_slug, developer),

        app_client_id = response["UserPoolClient"]["ClientId"]
        app_client_secret = response["UserPoolClient"]["ClientSecret"]

        return {
            "statusCode": 200,
            "body": json.dumps(
                    "credentialType": "CLIENT_CREDENTIALS",
                    "clientId": app_client_id,
                    "clientSecret": app_client_secret,
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("create_user_pool_client error: %s", str(e))
        return handle_error(str(e))

This method should create a new App Client:

client credentials app client

This app client will have the necessary configurations to generate Client Credentials:

app client config

To authenticate APIs using JWT tokens, you must have the authorizer set up in the AWS Gateway and linked to the Cognito user pool.

edit authorizer
To enable developers to generate tokens, you will need to provide an endpoint giving the client ID and client secret generated during the app creation.

In the example below, a Cognito endpoint is used to generate the token according to the grant-type:


curl --location 'https://<your-cognito-domain>.auth.us-east-1.amazoncognito.com/token' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic MmhjZnVuN3Y4amRvYXA4NHNlNjQ0bWZxdm06dXQxcnVrZWs4amU3YXZiNjU4dGZwdTFwY2hrcDFpYzE2azhkbWJzYnJvcGl2amk4cWln' \
--data-urlencode 'grant_type=client_credentials'


   "access_token": "eyJraWQiOiJnSlV3UTFOT1ZVbmVHRWJaWGNQK1J2TGdzaGNOOTM1MHZwUVJwbWRnXC9hYz0iLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIyaGNmdW43djhqZG9hcDg0c2U2NDRtZnF2bSIsInRva2VuX3VzZSI6ImFjY2VzcyIsInNjb3BlIjoid2ViaG9vay1kZW1vLWlkZW50aWZpZXJcL2pzb24ucmVhZCIsImF1dGhfdGltZSI6MTcwOTMyMDk0NCwiaXNzIjoiaHR0cHM6XC9cL2NvZ25pdG8taWRwLnVzLWVhc3QtMS5hbWF6b25hd3MuY29tXC91cy1lYXN0LTFfZVA2aVZ5UDhaIiwiZXhwIjoxNzA5MzI0NTQ0LCJpYXQiOjE3MDkzMjA5NDQsInZlcnNpb24iOjIsImp0aSI6IjFiZjcyMGQ0LTQ3NjUtNGU1Zi1hNDU1LTg4NDg0YTQ5MzFlNyIsImNsaWVudF9pZCI6IjJoY2Z1bjd2OGpkb2FwODRzZTY0NG1mcXZtIn0.MQlT8YXAkXEmtLiFV_K7pq6aEylwEo1FrAx1At3PeFHkZ82lbuxXcHvVU8CFUfhURAXBqhTRR-KTT1LpBj6i_JUUhr_2obwVgZfKn1n94pfRw0tny8S5g88vuhuqNXn4CypnwrtGzoyYgV9liXykMX-80Y6ILZgtBcaFaBwpEsShv9Q9Q1S-XwQcQSCG0NF4-LF-bFx_KW3ZA3kV5IVVP0XpupYiP7My346kQUqCYboEeaoTDbEz_HqPTI6-r9Wnud7FvrXzl6YT0fhU6SHhx5QeI-zARemrI561Xf5cKkljuYSOWkSBRTADV-pKMj--X6WiBRZmDPN2f-0ziwAQpw",
   "expires_in": 3600,
   "token_type": "Bearer"

Revoking Credentials

API Keys

See the example below:

 def delete_api_key(request_body):
    """Deletes an API key."""

    client = boto3.client("apigateway")

        current_credential_type = request_body.get("credentialType")

        api_key_id = request_body.get("apiKeyId")
        if api_key_id is not None:
    except client.exceptions.NotFoundException:
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("delete_api_key error: %s", str(e))
        return handle_error(str(e))

    return {"statusCode": 204}

This method will delete the API Key from the AWS console.

Client Credentials

See the example below:

  def delete_cognito_app_client(request_body):
    """Deletes a Cognito app client."""
    cognito_client = boto3.client("cognito-idp")

        current_credential_type = request_body.get("credentialType")

        app_client_id = request_body.get("clientId")
            UserPoolId=USER_POOL_ID, ClientId=app_client_id
    except cognito_client.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException:
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error("delete_user_pool_client error: %s", str(e))
        return handle_error(str(e))

    return {"statusCode": 204}

This method will delete the app client from the AWS console.

Checking Availability

def check_health():
    """Checks the health of the service."""
    return {"statusCode": 204}
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