OAuth Config

The OAuth Config page allows redefining some default configurations related to the OAuth flow that you can apply to your APIs. If any information is set in Basic API settings, it overrides OAuth Config.

The OAuth Config page is found under the Admin Settings option from the main menu of your Platform.

The fields to be set up are described below.

  • Token Generator: defines the access token formats that can be generated. There are three types: random, MD5 and UUID. If the type is "random", there is another field to be informed (in addition to the others, which are the same for all types), the Token Length field, which has a limit of 36 characters.

  • Default Expires In: this field sets the expiration time of access tokens, in seconds. The default configuration is 3600 seconds; the maximum is 631139040 seconds.

  • Grant Code TTL: sets the lifetime of a grant code (or authorization code), in seconds. The default configuration is 3600 seconds; the maximum is 631139040 seconds.

  • Refresh Token TTL: sets the lifetime of a refresh token, in seconds. The default configuration is 86400 seconds; the maximum is 631139040 seconds.

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