
A great advantage of Sensedia Integrations is the possibility of creating source-based integration flows.

To do that, you will use CAMEL YAML DSL, which increases significantly the amount of use cases covered by Sensedia Integrations.

Creating an integration flow in a Source project

What’s in the Source screen?

  • Name and Version fields at the top left side;

  • The project’s folder structure;

  • The board main.yaml, in which you will create the integration flow’s structure according to CAMEL YAML DSL;

  • The menu options at the top right side.

source screen

To create your integration flow, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the Integration Flows screen.

  2. Click + NEW FLOW. A modal window will open.

  3. Add a name and version to the integration flow.

  4. Select the Source design type.

  5. Click SAVE.

    The name and version you entered will be automatically loaded onto the page. You can edit them.
  6. Write a description for the integration flow. To do that, in the menu options, click configuration icon and select the option Description (optional).

  7. In the main.yaml file located in the Flow folder, include the script for your flow following the CAMEL YAML DSL.

    For detailed guidance, refer to Apache Camel’s official documentation.
  8. If you are using components that require separate script files, use the Resources folder to create them. To do that, click the + button on the right of the folder’s name.

  9. To create variables, use the Flow Variables folder. Click the arrow to the right of the folder’s name, select the environment and create one or more variables. Click SAVE.

    To apply the registered variables, reference them in the integration flow script by entering the name of the component, as in the examples below:

    • uri: "http://{{variable name}}" or

    • uri: "jsonata:{{variable name}}"

  10. After you finish, click SAVE ALL to save all the project.

    You cannot deploy a project with inconsistencies, but you can still save it.
    If there are any inconsistencies in the main.yaml file, they will be listed at the bottom of the screen:

    • when you click the SAVE ALL button in the top right corner of the screen, or

    • when you click the save icon in the top right corner of the main.yaml board.

Validating a script

To verify the structure of your script before deploying your integration flow, Sensedia Integrations offers a validation feature.

This feature exclusively checks the structure of the main.yaml file. Files within the Resources folder will not undergo validation.

As you write your script, click on the check icon icon located in the top right corner of the main.yaml. This way, any errors in the flow structure or the use of restricted components or EIPs will be identified and listed at the bottom of the page.

Deploying the Source project

  1. After you finish and save the project, click DEPLOY. A modal window will open.

  2. In the modal window, check the flow’s name in the Integration Flow field (no action required).

  3. In the Description field, write the deployment’s description. After the deployment, the description will be available in the Deployments screen in the item Deployment History in the Actions column.

  4. In the Environment field, select the deployment environment.

  5. Click DEPLOY.

deploy source

To delete the integration flow, click the gear icon and select the option Delete.

You can’t delete a flow with the Undeployed status, only edit it.

To check the status of the integration flow, click the gear icon and select the option Deployments. You will be directed to the Deployments screen.

To see examples of source-type flows, go to the Tutorials and Examples page.
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