Phone Catalog (WhatsApp)

The submenu PHONE CATALOG shows a list of the WhatsApp contacts that have been included to receive Flexible Actions notifications. It also allows you to add new contacts. Through this integration, Flexible Actions is able to send notifications to registered contacts when an alert is triggered. The selected contacts can choose to accept or not whether they want to receive notifications on their WhatsApp number when a Flexible Actions user sends them an activation message.

phone catalog

Filters and sorting

In the filter row, there are two columns you can search by:



Look for a contact’s name or identification word

Choose if you want to see active, inactive or pending contacts.

After inserting the data you want to filter by, simply click the SEARCH button or CLEAR to make a new search.

Phone Catalog table

There are three columns in the Phone Catalog table:





The contact’s name.

The contact’s phone number.

The contact’s status, which can be: active/green (icon active status wp - when the activation is completed); inactive/gray (icon inactive status wp - when the activation is canceled or rejected); pending/yellow (icon pending status wp - waiting for activation/acceptance).

The possible Actions you can perform to a contact are: Send activation message (icon send activation message); Inactivate number (icon inactivate wp); Edit (icon edit) and Delete (icon delete) contacts. When a contact is inactive or pending, the button (icon send activation message) will be enabled to send or resend an activation message. However, if the contact’s status is active, the button (icon inactivate wp) will be enabled to inactivate the contact if wished.

To send an activation message to an inactive number, click the button: (icon send activation message) and then, click SEND to confirm. The following confirmation question will be displayed: "Would you like to send an activation message to the new configured number? +(XX) XXXXXXXX". After confirming, you will be notified that the message has been sent and the contact’s status will become pending and its icon will turn orange (icon pending status wp). When the contact confirms the activation on their device, their status icon will become active and its color will turn green (icon active status wp).
It is only possible to inactivate a contact that is already active/green. To inactivate a contact, click the button (icon inactivate wp). The following confirmation question will be displayed: "Do you really want to inactivate this number?" After confirming, the contact’s status will become inactive and its color will turn gray (icon inactive status wp).

How to add a new phone number

To configure a new phone number, click the button (icon add). A new window will appear, in which it is necessary to fill in the fields with the contact’s name, country and number. When an activation message is sent, the contact’s status will change to pending until the invitation to receive Flexible Actions notifications is accepted.

Right next to the contact’s name, Flexible Actions will remind you of the following: "The name entered in this field will be used in communication messages with the receiver". This way, we can ensure clear end-to-end communication.

tooltip name

Here is an example of the activation message your contact will receive on WhatsApp:

Hello, contact name!
Your number has been linked to a Sensedia Flexible Actions notification channel.
This is an automatic message to confirm the registration on the platform.
By confirming, you will accept to receive notifications of events registered on the platform linked to this number.
YES to confirm
NO to refuse
You can also stop receiving notifications at any time by sending CANCEL to this number.

If accepted, the status will move to active and if declined, it will become inactive.

add catalog contact

After adding the contact, you can also click the edit button (icon edit) to make changes to it or on the delete button (icon delete) to completely remove it.

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