Viewing Traces

Traces are detailed records of the complete journey of a message in an integration flow, showing the processed steps, the involved components, and execution times. They are essential for debugging, performance analysis, and identifying bottlenecks in the system.

In Sensedia Integrations, trace viewing is available from the Executions screen by clicking the icon view trace icon.

Traces are only available for flows with deployment in Full mode (flows of type Diagram and Source).

Enabling Traces in Access Control

To enable trace viewing, when creating a policy (role) in Access Control, you must add the Observability permission group and select:

  • Traces

    • Traces List

    • Traces View

The trace viewing option is only visible for executions performed after the trace feature has been enabled.

observability traces

When selecting the trace viewing option in the Executions screen, you will see the Trace Detail screen.

Trace Detail

The Trace Detail screen provides a detailed view of the traces for all the steps in an integration flow. It allows you to view relevant information for monitoring and debugging executions, detailing attributes and metrics.

trace detail screen

1. Flow trace overview

This section presents a summary with the main details of the trace.

  • Title: the name associated with the initial step of the integration flow, the trigger.

  • Start Time: the date and time when the integration flow execution started.

  • Trace ID: the unique identification of the integration flow’s trace.

  • View Logs: allows you to view the flow logs in Sensedia Analytics.

  • Resource Attributes and Span Attributes:

    • Resource Attributes: describe the environment and components involved in executing each step in an integration. These attributes provide contextual details about the system and help identify the resource responsible for execution, such as the product name, tenant ID, service name, and version.

    • Span Attributes: describe what was performed in each step and provide context for performance analysis or problem diagnosis, such as the URI of the endpoint used in the step, the Camel component responsible for execution, the HTTP method used, etc.

To view the complete list of Resource Attributes and Span Attributes, click + show more, highlighted in red (located at the end of the resource attributes row). When clicked, the information will be displayed on the right side of the screen.

2. Execution time

The first bar on the graph represents the trace of the complete flow, indicating the total execution time.

To view the individual steps with their corresponding execution time, click the chevron icon chevron icon to the left of each one. The bars are organized hierarchically, one below the other, detailing the duration of each step.

By clicking on any bar or step, you can view the corresponding Resource Attributes and Span Attributes. If desired, you can also view the logs for each step in Sensedia Analytics by clicking in View Logs.

To better identify to which step the trace line belongs to, check the information in the camel.uri and component fields in the Span Attributes tab.

See in the animation how to view a step’s Resource Attributes and Span Attributes.

trace step resource span attribute list

The bars with the following names correspond to asynchronous events that occur internally in the integration context:

  • sensedia_wireTapOnCompletion

  • sensedia_onCompletion

  • sensedia_commonNotificationRoute

  • aws2-sns

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