Release Notes

Date: January/2023


  • We have added the Tags filter to the Tracing screen. With this filter you can search for specific traces and spans by means of tags mapped by Jaeger.

  • The graphic design of Sensedia Service Mesh has been updated with new looks for the components, icons, buttons, and color palette.

  • The telemetry flow is now based on OpenTelemetry.

  • The installation process of the application is now Docker-based, which makes it simpler for the user.

  • Bug fixes.

Date: June/2022

New features

  • A new option has been added to the left side menu: Settings. It groups together the new System and Permissions screens.

    • The System screen allows you to manage general settings in Sensedia Service Mesh.

    • The Permissions screen allows you to define which user groups can access each mesh in the cluster.

  • Sensedia Service Mesh now offers the possibility to have fine-grained control over user permissions within the system. With this feature, administrators can specify which meshes each user group has access to, as well as which actions the user groups can perform on each feature of the product.


  • We have adjusted the name of the minimum and maximum duration fields on the Tracing screen to better indicate the fact that these filters apply to spans, not to traces.

  • It is now possible to specify the percentage of traffic mirroring in a Shadow Traffic configuration.

  • Bug fixes.

Upgrade requirements

We have included a new microservice, mesh-adapter-keycloak, which is responsible for managing the user permissions of the application. Therefore, you need to change some settings in the following file:

  • customer-files/sensedia-mesh/sensedia-mesh-keycloak-adp/values.yaml:

# -- Enable to install Sensedia Mesh Keycloak Adapter
enabled: false

# -- keycloak connection parameters
  # -- The base url for connecting to a Keycloak Admin API. It should contain the scheme, host and port, but not path. For example:
  baseUrl: "CHANGE_HERE"
  # -- Sensedia Service Mesh Client Id for authenticating when using Keycloak Admin Apis with the OAuth2 Client Credentials Protocol
  clientId: "CHANGE_HERE"
  # -- Sensedia Service Mesh Client Secret for authenticating when using Keycloak Admin Apis with the OAuth2 Client Credentials Protocol
  clientSecret: "CHANGE_HERE"
  # -- The Keycloak realm that Sensedia Mesh will authenticate to. All Sensedia Mesh client configuration and its users should belong to this realm
  realm: "CHANGE_HERE"

To install the Keycloak Adapter, change the value of the enabled field to true. If you do not use Keycloak, keep the value of this field as false.

In this release there has also been the addition of the iam.adapter field to indicate whether Keycloak will be used as the identity provider. This setting is specified in the following file:

  • customer-files/sensedia-mesh/sensedia-mesh-manager/values.yaml:

# -- Accepted values are: none or keycloak.
    adapter: keycloak
  • The default value for the iam.adapter field is none, indicating that no identity provider will be used.

  • At the moment, Sensedia Service Mesh only supports Keycloak to manage permissions.

Date: April/2022

New features

  • External Services: it is now possible to configure rules to enable the access of the services within a mesh to services that are external to it (such as WEB APIs, for example). Check the documentation for this feature here.

  • Documentation: it is now possible to register on Sensedia Service Mesh the documentation of the APIs (Swagger) that expose the microservices. This feature comprises two main screens:

    • "Documentation" tab: allows uploading the documentation (Swagger) of the API which exposes the corresponding microservice.

    • "Documentation" screen: centralises and allows the visualisation of all the documentations registered on Sensedia Service Mesh.


  • Bug fixes.


  • MongoDB:
    Starting from this release, Sensedia Service Mesh requires an instance of MongoDB to store application data. Read how to set up a connection to MongoDB here.

Upgrade requirements

  • See how to upgrade your Sensedia Service Mesh here.

  • Make sure you have a MongoDB instance. See how to set it up here.

If you are upgrading from, downtime is expected until the new gateways are up and running.

Date: February/2022

New features

We have included a new configuration tab on the Services screen: Fault Tolerance. On this tab, you can define fault tolerance rules for specific services and thus test and ensure the resilience of your application.

There you will find the following features:

  • Circuit Breaker: reject new requests when the specified limits are reached or temporarily remove hosts with errors from the connection;

  • Request Timeout: specify the maximum time to wait for a response from a particular service;

  • Fault Injection: test the resilience of your microservices system through the controlled injection of faults into the network;

  • Retry: configure retry policies to connect to a service if a call fails.


  • Redesign of the Traffic Management tab: now, the traffic routing between the versions of a service is performed according to two types, Traffic Routing and Shadow Traffic.

  • Bug fixes.

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