Fault Tolerance

The FAULT TOLERANCE tab allows you to define fault tolerance rules for a specific service, as well as to manage the rules already created. To access it, select the service you want to create a rule for on the list of the Services screen (or after clicking on a mesh card on the Meshes screen).

fault tolerance
"Fault Tolerance" tab

Creating such rules makes your microservices system more resilient, limiting the impact of failures, latency spikes, and other network issues.

To create a new rule for the selected service, click the ADD NEW RULE button. A menu will be displayed with four features: Circuit Breaker, Request Timeout, Fault Injection, and Retry.

As Sensedia Service Mesh is a Kubernetes-native application, it is also possible to configure these rules from the command line using kubectl. The box "Creating a rule from the command line" in the section of each feature provides an example of .yaml file to do this.

See how to set up a rule for each of them below.

Access permissions

The actions you can perform on this screen depend on the permissions set for your user in Sensedia Access Control.

The following table shows the possible permissions and the corresponding actions:

Permission Description

List Circuit Breakers

It allows the visualization in the rule list of the basic information of a Circuit Breaker rule created for a service.

List Fault Injections

It allows the visualization in the rule list of the basic information of a Fault Injection rule created for a service.

List Timeouts

It allows the visualization in the rule list of the basic information of a Request Timeout rule created for a service.

List Retries

It allows the visualization in the rule list of the basic information of a Retry rule created for a service.

Read Circuit Breakers

It allows the visualization of the configuration of a Circuit Breaker rule created for a service. It does not, however, allow the rule to be edited.

Read Fault Injections

It allows the visualization of the configuration of a Fault Injection rule created for a service. It does not, however, allow the rule to be edited.

Read Timeouts

It allows the visualization of the configuration of a Request Timeout rule created for a service. It does not, however, allow the rule to be edited.

Read Retries

It allows the visualization of the configuration of a Retry rule created for a service. It does not, however, allow the rule to be edited.

Write Circuit Breakers

It allows the editing, deletion, and the creation of a Circuit Breaker rule for a service.

Write Fault Injections

It allows the editing, deletion, and the creation of a Fault Injection rule for a service.

Write Timeouts

It allows the editing, deletion and the creation of a Request Timeout rule for a service.

Write Retries

It allows the editing, deletion, and the creation of a Retry rule for a service.

Circuit Breaker

Circuit Breaker is a mechanism that limits the impact of failures and delays in the network by rejecting new requests when certain limits are reached. One of the advantages of having a circuit breaker configured is that by interrupting a faulty communication flow, the chain propagation of faults is avoided. You can set limits for calls to individual hosts in a service, such as the number of concurrent connections or failed calls made to that host. It’s also possible to configure the rule to detect and temporarily remove from the connection hosts that are experiencing errors.

Creating a circuit breaking rule

On the Services screen (or on the Meshes screen, after selecting the corresponding mesh), select the service for which you want to create the rule.

Click the FAULT TOLERANCE tab and then the ADD NEW RULE button. Select the Circuit Breaker option.

A screen will be displayed with two options: CONNECTION POOL and OUTLIER DETECTION.

circuit breaker
Circuit breaking options

These options require specific settings that will be displayed when the corresponding option is enabled.

Connection Pool

Setting the CONNECTION POOL option allows rejecting new requests when the number of concurrent connections and that of requests exceed the informed values.

You can configure the rule for HTTP requests, TCP or both:

connection pool
Configuring Circuit Breaker by Connection Pool

For HTTP requests, the fields to be filled in are:

  • Max Requests Per Connection: maximum number of requests per connection.

  • Max Pending Requests: maximum number of requests to be queued.

For TCP requests, the following values are required:

  • Max Connections: maximum number of concurrent connections.

  • TCP connection timeout: timeout for a TCP connection. It must be informed as a duration (examples: 1h, 1m, 1s, 1ms).

Outlier Detection

The outlier detection feature monitors the state of each host and removes from the connection the one that presents a given number of consecutive errors.

outlier detection
Configuring Circuit Breaker by Outlier Detection

To configure the OUTLIER DETECTION option, the following fields must be filled in:

  • Base Ejection Time: Minimum ejection duration. The host will remain ejected for a period of time equal to the product of the minimum ejection duration and the number of times it has already been removed.

  • Consecutive Errors: number of consecutive errors for a host to be ejected from the connection.

  • Injection Analysis Interval: time interval between each analysis scan.

  • Max Ejection Percent: maximum percentage of hosts that can be ejected.

Once the fields are filled in, click the SAVE button to create the rule.

It is possible to combine the features of connection pool and outlier detection in the same rule.
Creating a rule from the command line

To create a circuit breaker rule via kubectl, apply a .yaml file like the one in the following example:

apiVersion: networking.sensedia.com/v1
kind: CircuitBreaker
  name: players-cb
      http1MaxPendingRequests: 1
      maxRequestsPerConnection: 1
      connectTimeout: 10ms
      maxConnections: 1
  enabled: true
    baseEjectionTime: 3m
    consecutive5xxErrors: 1
    interval: 1s
    maxEjectionPercent: 100
  serviceName: players

The configuration of the rule in this file is done through the following fields:

  • .kind: specifies the type of object to be created; in this case, an object of type CircuitBreaker;

  • .metadata.name: defines a name to identify the resource;

  • .spec.enabled: enable (enabled: true) or disable (enabled: false) the rule;

  • .spec.serviceName: specifies the service for which the rule will be applied;

The .spec.connectionPool fields concern the setting of the Connection Pool option:

  • .spec.connectionPool.http.http1MaxPendingRequests: maximum number of requests to be queued;

  • .spec.connectionPool.http.maxRequestsPerConnection: maximum number of requests per connection;

  • .spec.connectionPool.tcp.connectTimeout: timeout for a TCP connection, as a duration;

  • .spec.connectionPool.tcp.maxConnections: maximum number of concurrent connections.

The .spec.outlierDetection fields refer to the setting of the Outlier Detection option:

  • .spec.outlierDetection.baseEjectionTime: minimum ejection duration of the host;

  • .spec.outlierDetection.consecutive5xxErrors: number of consecutive errors allowed before a host is removed from the connection;

  • .spec.outlierDetection.interval: time interval between each analysis scan;

  • .spec.outlierDetection.maxEjectionPercent: maximum percentage of hosts that can be ejected.

It is possible, in a rule, to configure only one circuit breaker option (Connection Pool or Outlier Detection) or both options.

Managing a created rule

After creating the rule, you will be redirected to the FAULT TOLERANCE tab screen for the corresponding service, where you can manage the created rule.

circuit breaker overview
Visualising a created Circuit Breaker rule

This screen displays the following information about the rule:

  • values set for connection pool (column CONNECTION POOL);

  • values set for outlier detection (column OUTLIER DETECTION);

  • rule status, which can be "provisioned" or "disabled" — (column STATUS);

  • date and time the rule was created (column CREATED AT).

In addition to viewing this information, it is possible to disable or enable the rule through the button located in the ENABLED column.

Through the icons contained in the ACTIONS column you can:

  • edit the rule settings (icon edit);

  • delete the rule (icon delete).

There can’t be more than one Circuit Breaker rule configured per service. If you have already created one, the "Circuit Breaker" option will no longer be available in the list of the ADD NEW RULE button for that service.

Configuration example

In the example shown in the image below, we are configuring a Circuit Breaker to limit the number of connections, requests per connection and pending requests by one and the TCP connection time by 10 milliseconds. In addition, we set the rule to check hosts for possible failures every 1 second and to remove a host from the load balancing pool for at least 3 minutes if it returns a 5xx error. In the latter case, we are allowing up to 100% of the hosts to be ejected.

circuit breaker example
Circuit Breaker configuration example

Request Timeout

The Request Timeout functionality allows you to handle latency in service calls in a simple way. If a service takes longer than usual to respond, there can be an impact in the entire system as this delay will be propagated across the network. When configuring a request timeout rule, you specify the maximum time to wait for a response from a particular service. If a call to this service takes longer than the specified time to complete, it will be interrupted (a "timeout" error is returned). Thus, this delay will not affect other microservices and will not impact the response time of the application as a whole.

Setting up a request timeout rule on Sensedia Service Mesh is simple, as shown as follows.

Creating a Request Timeout rule

On the Services screen (or on the Meshes screen, after selecting the corresponding mesh), select the service for which you want to create the rule.

Click the FAULT TOLERANCE tab and then the ADD NEW RULE button. Select the Request Timeout option.

On the next screen, you will have to fill in a single field:

  • Duration: timeout for a request to complete. It must be informed as a duration (examples: 1m, 1s, 1ms).

request timeout
Creating a Request Timeout rule

After filling in the field, click the SAVE button to create the rule.

Creating a rule from the command line

To configure a request timeout rule from the command line, simply apply a .yaml file like the one in the example below via kubectl:

  apiVersion: networking.sensedia.com/v1
  kind: Timeout
    name: timeout-matches
    serviceName: matches
    duration: 1s

In this file, the object of type Timeout is specified in the field .kind and the request timeout, in the field .spec.duration (this is the same parameter informed in the field Duration of the Sensedia Service Mesh interface).

In the field .spec.serviceName you must specify the service for which the rule will be created.

In the .metadata.name field you must enter a name to identify the resource.

The example in the above file sets a timeout of one second for the matches service.

Managing a created rule

Whether you create a rule from the Sensedia Service Mesh interface or from the command line, you can view it on the FAULT TOLERANCE tab of the corresponding service.

request timeout overview
Visualising a created Request Timeout rule

Here the following information about the rule is presented:

  • value specified for the Duration parameter (column DURATION);

  • rule status, which can be "provisioned" or "disabled" — (column STATUS);

  • date and time the rule was created (column CREATED AT).

Furthermore, it is possible to disable or enable the rule through the button located in the ENABLED column.

Through the icons contained in the ACTIONS column you can:

  • update the rule configuration (icon edit);

  • delete the rule (icon delete).

You can have only one Request Timeout rule per service. If you have already created one, the "Request Timeout" option will no longer be available in the list of the ADD NEW RULE button for that service.

Fault Injection

The Fault Injection functionality makes it possible to configure the injection of failures into the network. With this, you can test the resilience of your microservices system and observe the impact of possible failures on the application as a whole. It is useful, for example, to verify whether your failure recovery policies are adequate for your system, thus preventing critical services from being unavailable.

Creating a Fault Injection rule

On the Services screen (or on the Meshes screen, after selecting the corresponding mesh), select the service for which you want to create the rule.

Click the FAULT TOLERANCE tab and then the ADD NEW RULE button. Select the Fault Injection option.

A screen will then be displayed with two fault options: HTTP ABORT and HTTP DELAY. The fields to be filled in depend on the type of fault to be configured.

fault injection
Fault Injection options

HTTP Abort

By setting the HTTP ABORT option you can observe how your application will behave when HTTP failures arise on the system. You can specify the HTTP status code to be returned, as well as the percentage of requests that will be subjected to the fault.

http abort
Configuring HTTP Abort injection

Configuring HTTP Abort injection requires filling in the following fields:

  • HTTP Status Code: HTTP error code to be returned for requests made to the corresponding service. Example: 503.

  • Requests percent: percentage of requests to be aborted with the error code specified in the HTTP Status Code field. The provided value must be an integer greater than zero.

HTTP Delay

Setting the HTTP DELAY option allows you to add a delay in the response of a specific service. With this, it is possible to simulate an increase in network latency or the situation in which a service is overloaded.

http delay
Configuring HTTP Delay injection

The following fields are required to configure HTTP Delay injection:

  • Fixed Delay: delay to be added to the service response time. It must be informed in duration format. Examples: 1h, 1m, 1s, 1ms.

  • Requests percent: percentage of requests on which the delay will be injected. The provided value must be an integer greater than zero.

Once you have filled in the required fields for the type of fault you want, click on the SAVE button to create the rule.

It is possible to combine the two types of faults (HTTP Abort and HTTP Delay) in the same rule.
Creating a rule from the command line

It is also possible to create a fault injection rule with kubectl by applying a .yaml file like the one in the following example:

  apiVersion: networking.sensedia.com/v1
  kind: FaultInjection
    name: fault-injection
    serviceName: matches
    enabled: true
      httpStatusCode: 500
        value: 10
      fixedDelay: 2s
        value: 10

The configuration of the rule in this file is done through the following fields:

  • .kind: specifies the type of object to be created; in this case, FaultInjection;

  • .metadata.name: defines a name to identify the resource;

  • .spec.serviceName: used to specify the service for which the rule will be created;

  • .spec.enabled: allows you to enable (enabled: true) or disable (enabled: false) the rule;

  • .spec.abort.httpStatusCode: specifies the HTTP status code to be returned when setting the injection of HTTP Abort;

  • .spec.abort.percentage.value: specifies the percentage of requests to be aborted when setting the injection of HTTP Abort;

  • .spec.delay.fixedDelay: defines the delay to be added to the service response time when setting the injection of HTTP Delay;

  • .spec.delay.percentage.value: percentage of requests on which the delay will be injected when setting HTTP Delay.

The .yaml file in the above example sets up a fault injection rule that adds a two-second delay to 10% of the calls made to the matches service and defines that 10% of the requests to that service will be aborted with an HTTP status code 500.

It is possible, in a single rule, to define only one type of fault (HTTP Abort or HTTP Delay) or to combine both types (HTTP Abort and HTTP Delay).

Managing a created rule

The fault injection rule you created will be visible on the FAULT TOLERANCE tab screen for the corresponding service.

fault injection overview
Visualising the created Fault Injection rule

Here you can view the following information about the rule:

  • values set for HTTP Delay (column DELAY). If this option has not been defined in the rule, the message "Not defined" is displayed;

  • values set for HTTP Abort (column ABORT). If this option has not been defined in the rule, the message "Not defined" is displayed;

  • rule status, which can be "provisioned" or "disabled" — (column STATUS);

  • date and time the rule was created (column CREATED AT).

The button located in the ENABLED column allows you to disable or enable the rule.

Through the icons contained in the ACTIONS column you can:

  • edit the rule settings (icon edit);

  • delete the rule (icon delete).

There can’t be more than one fault injection rule configured per service. If there is already one, the "Fault Injection" option will no longer be available in the list of the ADD NEW RULE button for that service.


The Retry functionality allows you to determine the maximum number of retries to connect to a service in case a call fails. The purpose of this functionality is to prevent calls to a service from permanently failing due to temporary network or service problems. The proper adjustment of the Retry parameters is important to ensure the availability of the microservices and to prevent misconfigured retries from slowing down the application’s response.

See below how to set up a Retry rule for a specific service in Sensedia Service Mesh.

Creating a Retry rule

On the Services screen of the interface of Sensedia Service Mesh (or on the Meshes screen, after selecting the corresponding mesh), select the service for which you want to create the rule.

Click the FAULT TOLERANCE tab and then the ADD NEW RULE button. Select the Retry option.

A modal window with two fields for configuring the rule will then open:

retry fields
Creating a Retry rule through the interface of Sensedia Service Mesh

The fields available for completion on this screen are as follows:

  • Retry quantity: maximum number of retries to connect to the corresponding service if the initial call fails. Required field.

  • Per try timeout: timeout to wait for connection success on each retry. Optional field. Must be entered as a duration (examples: 1m, 1s, 1ms).

After entering the desired values, click the SAVE button to create the rule.

Creating a rule from the command line

To create a Retry rule via kubectl, apply a .yaml file like the one in the following example:

apiVersion: networking.sensedia.com/v1
kind: Retry
  name: my-service-retry
  namespace: test
  enabled: true
  perTryTimeout: 1s
  quantity: 2
  serviceName: my-service

The configuration of the rule in this file is done through the following fields:

  • .kind: type of object to be created;

  • .metadata.name: name to identify the resource;

  • .metadata.namespace: namespace in which the resource will be created;

  • .spec.enabled: enable (enabled: true) or disable (enabled: false) the rule;

  • .spec.perTryTimeout: timeout to wait for connection success, including the initial call and retries. Must be entered as a duration (examples: 1m, 1s, 1ms);

  • .spec.quantity: maximum number of retries to connect to the corresponding service if the initial call fails;

  • .spec.serviceName: service to which the rule will be applied.

The example in the above file defines a maximum number of two retries to connect to the my-service service if the initial call fails, each with a timeout of 1 second.

Managing a created rule

A created Retry rule will be visible on the FAULT TOLERANCE tab preview screen for the corresponding service:

retry overview
Viewing a created Retry rule

This screen displays the following information about the rule:

  • value specified for the parameter "Retry quantity" (column QUANTITY);

  • value specified for the parameter "Per try timeout" (column TIMEOUT);

  • rule status, which can be PROVISIONED or DISABLED (column STATUS);

  • date and time the rule was created (column CREATED AT).

In addition to viewing this information, it is possible to disable or enable the rule through the button located in the ENABLED column.

The column ACTIONS contains icons that allow you to:

  • edit the rule configuration (icon edit);

  • delete the rule (icon delete).

You can only have one Retry rule per service. If you have already created one, the "Retry" option will no longer be available in the list of the ADD NEW RULE button for that service.
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