
The DOCUMENTATION tab allows uploading the documentation (Swagger) of the API which exposes the corresponding microservice. If there is already a documentation registered, it will be possible to view or delete it.

To access the tab, select a service from the Services screen listing (or after clicking on a mesh on the Meshes screen).

documentation tab
"Documentation" tab
  • To be able to view a documentation file registered for a service, your user must have at least the Read Documentations permission enabled in Sensedia Access Control.

  • To be able to register or remove a documentation file, your user must have the Write Documentations permission.

Uploading a new documentation

If there is no documentation registered for the selected service, the DOCUMENTATION tab of this service will contain the Select file…​ field, which allows the uploading of a Swagger file.

To upload a documentation for this service, click on the icon upload icon. A window will open for selecting the Swagger file to be uploaded. Once the desired file has been selected, click the UPDATE button to upload it. The selected file will then be uploaded and displayed on the tab.

The supported Swagger file formats are YAML and JSON.

Managing the uploaded documentation

If the selected service already has a documentation registered, it will be displayed on the DOCUMENTATION tab.

documentation view
Viewing the documentation registered for a service

In the top right corner of the tab content, the following buttons are available:

  • icon view: When clicked, it opens the documentation in a new tab of your browser;

  • icon delete: It allows you to delete the registered documentation.

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